When the voice and the vision on the inside becomes more profound,clear and loud than the opinions on the outside,you have mastered your life

Sunday, February 28, 2021

My Great Indian Kitchen


This list is not just a random list. Each of these incidents have happened to me! 

Patriarchy is alive and kicking!

All the people who are mentioned here are not just educated, but highly so! 

Male members in my family leaving chewed up drumsticks and unclean plates on the table to be cleaned by the women.

Males being served food before women. 

Male members in a friend group asking my husband why he allows me to express my opinion openly in the whatsapp group!

A female member telling me that her prayers  have been granted when my son was born, as now I had a male heir( to what grand palace , i still wonder) 

Female members insisting on me following period rules and eating last.

A plate of food being hurled across the room on the floor towards me by a female.

Female members in my family asking me why i wanted to clear my post graduation  , now that I was a wife and a mother.

My son being gifted a gold chain for his naming ceremony,  while my daughter was gifted a dress as she was just a girl! 

Male members especially telescopically related guys who wanted to know if we have released the horoscope of our daughter the day she turned 20 into the marriage market! 

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