When the voice and the vision on the inside becomes more profound,clear and loud than the opinions on the outside,you have mastered your life

Sunday, November 27, 2011

the show stopper

I recently attended a book launch held at the Trident.The book is authored by two professors eminent in their own fields. The launch was presided by Kabir Bedi.
What took the cake and the icing was compering at the program.THE COMPERE WAS TRULY A SHOW STOPPER.

He stopped the show.

He punctuated it with his appalling English and even more appalling attitude. Fanatic about fantastic, he used the word at least twenty times in ten minutes. I almost began to look for a thesaurus online to see if I could give him synonyms for that word. The program was fantastic even before it began, it was fantastic as it went ahead and of course it ended fantastically.
As he welcomed Kabir Bedi he announced, I welcome Mr.Kabir Bedi, a man, a voice. Well well, upon his proclamation do we all know now that KB is indeed a man and that too with a voice!
And then he went to call the author.He was looking for the author straight ahead while the author entered the stage from the side aisles. The host of the fantastic program launching the fantastic book had no clue who the fantastic author was!
And of course,the author was published on leading ladies(sic!) of the country! I coudnt help wonder what the wife of the author would have to say to that !
Every individual he introduced donned several caps and each cap had several feathers. Each one was fantastic individual. Each one had done things that ran into pages (which I am sure he hadn’t had time to go through!) and each one was an amazing human being! Yes, I was in the esteemed company of clones.
And as the day went ahead smattered with bad grammar and attitude, I left the hall wondering how such mediocrity in public life gets accepted ( and paid!).


Sarbani Banerjee said...

When talent and opportunity to showcase the talent match, the end result is worthwhile. When they don’t such catastrophes occur. But more than that, I enjoyed the refined humour in your observations on the 'fanatic' fantastic— the COMPERE, who had actually researched and found out that the authors were publishing [?!] on all kinds of 'leading ladies' [in leading dailies?] Case of Malapropism? Regards Sarbani

Arumugam said...

Its ok Mam, all not blessed to have Teachers like!

Leena Shinde said...

What a fantastic article, I can't think of another word as it was embedded in my head in the five minutes of my reading.
I amazed you did not sleep throughout the program.Maybe you could have intervened and cracked a joke.KB would have appreciated it.