When the voice and the vision on the inside becomes more profound,clear and loud than the opinions on the outside,you have mastered your life

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Mumbai's moments of bliss.........

The early mornings in Mumbai are the only semblance of peace that this city has to offer(unless you count in a very late night ride over the Rajiv Gandhi sea link)
As I take my routine morning walks,a number of pleasant images strike my mind.
Very young kids ambling down to school,tagging on their parents,eyes half opened ,wondering why they have to endure such an early morning!!!
Young boys and girls rushing to the school,sometimes narrating the previous evenings tales,else sometimes going through the last few pages of revision before a test.
Young urban couples for whom this might be the only quality time together.
A group of old men who have a good laugh at the tea stall.
The newly enlisted group of policemen all in crew cuts ,enjoying a cup of tea before they begin their daily drill.
A few more 'trying to lose weight' walkers like me!!!!
And finally the glorious sun announces its arrival somewhere in the horizon.......
Mumbai has its moments of bliss

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