When the voice and the vision on the inside becomes more profound,clear and loud than the opinions on the outside,you have mastered your life

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

One new year to the next

The new year has been ushered in.
The party is over.
The bills have been paid.
The reality has sunk in.
The grind has begun.
The year is unfolding day by day.
How is it different from the ones that have gone by?
How is it going to carve a niche for itself in the sands of time?
How am I going to remember this year more than any other year?
Why will this year be more special?
What does this year have that others didn't have?
Will this mark the beginning of my search?
Will it mark the end of my search?
Will it set me upon a journey of discovery?
Will it set me upon rediscovering things I have forgotten?
when will I be able to answer the whats,the whys and the hows????
Will I usher in the next with the same questions???

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